Friday, January 02, 2009

Bing Crosby on Radio, Pt. 5

Reprinted in the June, 2008, Old Radio Times.

Bing Crosby – The Radio Directories
(out of print)
compiled by Lionel Pairpoint

The Music That Satisfies show appears to be the only of Bing Crosby’s sponsored programmes (as a solo artist) of which there are no surviving examples. Having said that and at the risk of being accused of cynicism, there may well be, on his deathbed somewhere, a white-haired, self-styled Crosby enthusiast who is gloating over a crackly, distorted excerpt that is destined to accompany him to his grave.

The series was a six nights-a-week, fifteen-minute show, broadcast at 9:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time and shared between Bing Crosby, Ruth Etting, Tom Howard, and George Shelton. Ruth Etting was replaced later by Jane Froman.

Most radiographies show that the series consisted of 30 programmes on the incorrect assumption that the shows were broadcast regularly and without fail on Wednesdays and Saturdays weekly. On at least three occasions - the Saturdays of 7th January, 18th March and 1st April - the show was squeezed off the air, in each instance by concerts occupying one and three quarter hours by the Philadelphia Orchestra conducted by Leopold Stokowski.

“Crosby With Chesterfield Twice Weekly At $2000” (Headline)

“Bing Crosby steps into the Chesterfield Show on January 3rd at $2000 for two programmes a week. Contract gives him thirteen weeks on CBS singing account in the spot now filled by the Street Singer”(Variety 29th November 1932)

“Advertisers Revert To Theory That Click Talent Is NG For A New Programme Unless Air Lapse” (Headline)

“The bigger the click on one commercial, the tougher it’s going to be from now on for the same performer to connect on another bankrolled air show - That is, unless he stays off the air long enough for the diallers to disassociate him with his previous sponsor. The chief point that militated against Bing Crosby’s connection with another commercial, that exponents of the above theory further cite, was the chariness among advertisers that his association with Cremo had not yet evaporated. Warbler finally became an accepted attraction to Chesterfield after he had been without a commercial period for seven months.” (Variety 31st January 1933)


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